Add some Zen into your Holiday…
”Zen Piano - CHristmas Presence:
Holiday Classics for Peace and Serenity”
Christmas Presence opened at #3 on the Billboard charts!
The purpose of this album is to raise collective vibrational frequency by using it as a tool for meditation, Contemplation and observation.
Add some Zen into your holidays…
All the sages throughout time taught that spiritual realization does not come from gain, it usually comes through loss. Loss forces you into a state of allowing, or surrender. You surrender not to your story or life situation, you just surrender to the present moment.
That simple teaching is present in the 18 Christmas songs in this album.
When you listen, focus on the overtones and the silence in between the notes. When you do this, you will lessen your inner dialog and have a moment of Zen, or presence.
Play this music in the background and you will feel more peaceful and serene. Unfortunately, holiday time usually means stress for most people. The irony is that in celebration of the birthday of the Sage most people completely violate his teaching by being stressed, angry, frustrated and rude!!
This just means you have lost the present moment and are somehow lost in your “story.”
When you catch yourself in this state, smile and take a deep breath and come back to the now :)
Use this music to aid you in this process.
I hope you enjoy my album and we deeply appreciate you experiencing my music.
Wishing you peace and Blessings!!
Jason Campbell
PS The piano is a 1917 Mason Hamlin Baby Grand and I recorded this in my living room in Phoenix AZ.
This music is being used in hospital ER’s, yoga studios, wellness centers, therapists waiting rooms, hospice (to replace drugs at end of life) and is in a pilot North Carolina prison program teaching inmates how to mediate.